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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Debussy: Rêverie (1890)

o i want to lie down

o i want to lie down
on these white blankets,
of snow, so, cold, so pure
but o  it will melt,

it will all melt away.
i want to put my head
at rest in innocence,
touch , and o, the snow,

it will melt and go,
it will leave my ear
in the shivering soil,
and o, what will i hear

the longing of the grass,
the answers of the wind,
and what will i see
with my eyes all water

i will hear me,
i will hear you,
little drops of sound,
music to be found

and to be lost again.
i will sleep, sleep,
and i will die, die,
and i will grow, grow

and flow, flow
with all this
coming out
to be green,
alive and green