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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Maria Dolores Pradera - Hijo de la luna

"Los Pájaros Perdidos" - Milva

Milva canta Merini - L'Albatros.avi

Pearl Jam - Given To Fly

Madrugada - Run Away With Me

has something...but i forgot, i am not made for running away,
and, actually, i don't need to...

Theo Slaats

(of the lonely and bitter springtime love that the city-dweller in his or her forties gets from the nearby city birds at hand..)
Theo Slaats
facebook page

Odilon Redon ,Le char d’Apollon (1907)

photography by Benno Koch

by: Benno Koch,
facebook page.
"seeing sound and hearing light"