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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Freight Train - Taj Mahal

towards home

Wiesbaden rail station

Stuttgart rail station,and
building site below

no snow in stuttgart, first signs of spring

the truth about Stuttgart rail station 

at last my garden, home..

irgendwie irgendwann

cantankerously peaceful
under a full moon

ja zum teufel
ich liebe sie
aber das ist meins

and beautiful

was für scheisswörter
und wozu
weil es so ist
wie es ist

es ist einfach
it is simple
this is
why it is difficult

we are simple
und schwierig
two hearts
four legs

idiots in love
timid idiots

fishes on ground
who want to swim,
give us a push
to find home

moon, mond, 
mirror of sun,
child of heaven,
come through the willow tree

make us meet
help us kiss
shine on the river
it is too cold out here

but then,aber dann
ich bin allein
in einer stadt
die keine bedeutung hat.


'There is something haunting in the light of the moon; 
it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul,
and something of its inconceivable mystery.'
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

Wiesbaden for a cigarette under full moon