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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris, Lost on the River

Lost On The River, Dark Is The Night
Just Like The Blind, Praying For Site
Drifting Alone, Heart Filled With Fright
I'm lost On The River The River Of Life
Once Dear I Thought I Knew The Way
That Was Before Old Sad Yesterday
Words That You Said Cut Like A Knife
I'm Lost On The River The River Of Life
Out On This River Where Sorrow's Free
Thinking Of You How My Heart Pleads
Tomorrow You'll Be Another Man's Wife
I'm Lost On The River The River Of Life

Mark Knopfler , LET IT ALL GO

Rosinante, Happy New Year



The Who, Baba O'Riley

Friday, December 29, 2017

Special report, Van Gogh remastered

Loving Vincent , Official Trailer

and i want to see this one

Die Flügel der Menschen, Trailer , German Deutsch Exklusiv (2017)

i wish to see this film

Kahlil Gibran, Charlie Chaplin, quotes i like

“Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.” 

Charlie Chaplin
“The Reality of The Other Person Lies Not In What He Reveals To You, But What He Cannot Reveal To You.
Therefore, If You Would Understand Him, Listen Not To What He Says, But Rather To What He Does Not Say.” 

Kahlil Gibran
“Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain.” 

Kahlil Gibran

“Life is a beautiful magnificent thing, even to a jellyfish.” 
Charlie Chaplin

Shalom Alechem, Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra Live,

Anouar Brahem, John Surman, Dave Holland , Kernow

Govi , Rising in Love

Pink Floyd , Lucifer Sam (1967) legendado

UNKLE , Nowhere To Run (Official Video)

Leonard Cohen , Winter Lady (Audio)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Richie Havens, Freedom , Woodstock 1969 (HD)

great song. moving, without any doubt.
freedom..this is a motherless state, to add context.
my own.
freedom is being alone and nobody is alone.
not depending, no obligations, no attachment.
so why moan? to be a motherless child is good enough.
why not? mother Mary it all she ever does?
again. good enough. i don't care...
i am as free as i can be, not more not less.
as i am not me and as i am me at the same time,
what else can i say? nada.
still, wonderful song to listen to again...

Connemara Girl, Augustus Nicholas Burke



Albert Camus, The Almond Trees, 1940, quote

"We have not overcome our condition, and yet we know it better. We know that we live in contradiction, but we also know that we must refuse this contradiction and do what is needed to reduce it. Our task as [humans] is to find the few principles that will calm the infinite anguish of free souls. We must mend what has been torn apart, make justice imaginable again in a world so obviously unjust, give happiness a meaning once more to peoples poisoned by the misery of the century. Naturally, it is a superhuman task. But superhuman is the term for tasks [we] take a long time to accomplish, that’s all.
Let us know our aims then, holding fast to the mind, even if force puts on a thoughtful or a comfortable face in order to seduce us. The first thing is not to despair. Let us not listen too much to those who proclaim that the world is at an end. Civilizations do not die so easily, and even if our world were to collapse, it would not have been the first. It is indeed true that we live in tragic times. But too many people confuse tragedy with despair. “Tragedy,” [D.H.] Lawrence said, “ought to be a great kick at misery.” This is a healthy and immediately applicable thought. There are many things today deserving such a kick."


some posts before i quoted Ferdinand Pessoa and Henry Miller,
i could have quoted Nietzsche, i mentioned Kafka.
i remember i juxtaposed Pessoa and Kafka to Miller in contrast,
and i thought of Camus then.
All of them were driven by a passion for inner freedom, all of them
went on a quest for truth, looking through the big lies of their time,
for all of them there has been this same strife, how to walk out of
decadence( a word loaded with the idea and implication that all had been better before, untrue) 
and how to walk through the cruelty of human kind with
open eyes through the continuous question: what good will and can remain?
should we abscond from living within society and remain observers, 
shall we create a superhuman and a new bible, shall we prefer our dreams to
what me must assume as reality and see this same reality as nightmares,
can keeping our spirit and heart transform our life and others, will reason
ever help in the blind human struggle. are we allowed to just enjoy life all the same
or is this a sin and just too boring and stagnation? is love a word or a truth?

i appreciate Camus better than all others coming out of existentialism. is this because i like 
to hear courage and persistence and hope and life having a voice? yes.
one must acknowledge despair, this way it can kick us into transformation and growth.

all the above mentioned were great writers. all wrote with blood.all cared.
and this way none of them said: nothing matters.

big snowflakes outside coming down.
all the world is white, here.

i don't know anything.
i write, think, reflect, meditate.
i am not so important.
i understand that some people tap themselves into the universal flow 
of life and love and think they can make a difference from inside there, meditating, re-radiating, 
still not understanding what a small part they are, maybe a delusion of grandeur kept in the holiness of nothing, the last stand of individuality.
no, i don't think i will make a great difference here.
and anyway, i am breathing under the snow.

Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld , Still Smiling (live)

Not at home , Wim Mertens

The Dead South-,The Dirty Juice

U2 , Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way

don't know, maybe we are all too boring, and love maybe is just
another idea, when i must love i won't, i love when i love
and i don't when i don't.
i am running out of me...i am swimming deep inside..
i swim in a place where i arrived with a reason i don't know.
i will put wax in my ears and be an obnoxious arshole
as i have always been, don't object, it is making me do it
to perfection.
the music is inside, i don't need songs not reaching me
nor these  leading me to another waste land where no roses grow and
where the apples stay rotting on the trees so high.
when you try to remove the wax from my ears be careful what you tell me.
i carry steel inside and curses, i am sailing and i wish to arrive home
where i have always been in my arshole's heart.
we will see what is bigger, the truth or the idea,
the water or the construction, the trap or freedom,
love or Bable.
as i see it is the small things and the ability to concentrate on their negative aspécts
and forces, mediocrity just as well as the running after something special, the detachment from feeling, the estrangement from seeing without spectacles, the indifference of the mind, the dispersion of passion, the dilution of  essence which makes us all fail.
so. what is bigger. not who.
i am not for smaller nor for bigger.
i really don't care for such words.
we always hope for people to change, and they never do.
when they do we can hardly bear it.
maybe i go to live in a forest near a stream, and i will not be waiting
for anything but for what will happen by nature, the change of the seasons.
this here now is a change of seasons, and the days grow slowly longer, very slowly.

The Empty Boat , Blixa Bargeld & Teho Teardo


Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld , Come up and see me

now is winter. spring will come. ice in the cracks thawing will break the cement,
and i'll walk to nowhere to be nobody , not to be heard of nor seen

Diane Ackerman,We are listening



As our metal eyes wake
to absolute night,
where whispers fly
from the beginning of time,
we cup our ears to the heavens.
We are listening

on the volcanic lips of Flagstaff
and in the fields beyond Boston
in a great array that blooms
like coral from the desert floor,
on highwire webs patrolled
by computer spiders in Puerto Rico.

We are listening for a sound
beyond us, beyond sound,

searching for a lighthouse
in the breakwaters of our uncertainty,
an electronic murmur
a bright, fragile I am.

Small as tree frogs
staking out one end
of an endless swamp,
we are listening
through the longest night
we imagine, which dawns
between the life and time of stars.


Our voice trembles
with its own electric,
we who mood like iguanas
we who breathe sleep
for a third of our lives,
we who heat food
to the steaminess of fresh prey,
then feast with such baroque
good manners it grows cold.

In mind gardens
and on real verandas
we are listening,
rapt among the Persian lilacs
and the crickets,
while radio telescopes
roll their heads, as if in anguish.

With our scurrying minds
and our lidless will
and our lank, floppy bodies
and our galloping yens
and our deep, cosmic loneliness
and our starboard hearts
where love careens,
we are listening,
the small bipeds
with the giant dreams.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld ,The Beast

This is the beast
If i close my eyes, the beast will close its eyes
If I stop swimming, the beast will dive
We sank a lot of ships together
Now the ocean is empty
But I'll get through

I'll make it for you
I'll make it through
Against the numbers
Against all odds
I will get through

Whatever I'm about
The beast is on my throat

Even so the beast doesn't mimic me
In it's movements, gestures, speech there is something similar to me

This is the beast
If I stop dreaming
It fully wakes the beast
If I stop pushing
The beast will close the door
And if I would start a fire
It would bring me giant trees

But I'll get through
I'll make it
For you
I'll make it through
Against God
And the statistics
I will get through

I don't know if the beast is there
To strangle or to embrace

Thomas Strønen, Time is A blind Guide, Japan

Camel , Silent Night

Mark O'Connor,Alison Krauss,Yo-Yo Ma/Edgar Meyer ,Slumber My Darling ...

On turning eighty, Henry Miller,, quotes, Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet, quote, notes

 On turning eighty, Henry Miller

"....If you can fall in love again and again, if you can forgive your parents for the crime of bringing you into the world, if you are content to get nowhere, just take each day as it comes, if you can forgive as well as forget, if you can keep from growing sour, surly, bitter and cynical, man you’ve got it half licked."..


.."Perhaps it is curiosity — about anything and everything — that made me the writer I am. It has never left me…
With this attribute goes another which I prize above everything else, and that is the sense of wonder. No matter how restricted my world may become I cannot imagine it leaving me void of wonder. In a sense I suppose it might be called my religion. I do not ask how it came about, this creation in which we swim, but only to enjoy and appreciate it."..

..."Perhaps the most comforting thing about growing old gracefully is the increasing ability not to take things too seriously. One of the big differences between a genuine sage and a preacher is gaiety. When the sage laughs it is a belly laugh; when the preacher laughs, which is all too seldom, it is on the wrong side of the face."...
personal note:

I like him to say 'if you can fall in love again and again".
Somebody important in my life keeps saying it is not important to be in love
and it is a stupid thing to fall in love.

i feel this so different, so very much.
i can fall in love with a flower, a stone, a tree..and i can fall in love with a woman,
it is the moment of total presence and  the recognition of essence ,it happens, 

and to do this with the mind alone is not the same as falling into a moment of seeing.
the longing for union with the essence is not born in the head.
to be in love and to fall means an act of falling, of opening to vulnerability,
it means soft knees and a readiness to give your blood.
it is something going totally beyond being 'adult', beyond controlled behaviour,

it has nothing to do this moment with love as an idea, it is love, it is still innocent and
untouched by conditioned gates of perception as far as this can be possible for a human.
because to fall in love with just this one may have roots we never knew nor ever will know.

without falling in love with a woman or the sea or the sky or  music life would be boring
and depressing, wings grow out of this, the moment of true seeing, still out of all  wanting.

to love is another kind of human experience and more so doing, it does take real blood and work and patience. 
and sometimes i ask me why falling and rising is such an act, and i see love as the
overcoming of gravity, as release into kindness and as the composition of a long song. and  yes, i cannot say that i like the music to stop. and somewhere somehow it never will.

so i will never say all is nothing but all is no-thing.


Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet:


I was born in a time when the majority of young people  had lost faith in God, 
for the same reason their elders had had it
-without knowing why.

And since the human spirit tends to make naturally judgements based on feeling
instead of reason, most of these young people chose Humanity  to replace God.

I, however, am the sort of person who is always on the fringe of what he belongs to,
seeing not only the multitude he's a part of but  also the wide open space around it.
That's why I didn't give up God as completely as they did, and I never accepted Humanity.

I reasoned that God, though improbable, might exist, in which case he should be worshipped; wheras Humanity being a mere biological idea  and signifying nothing 
more than the animal species we belong to, was no more deserving of worship than
any other animal species.

The cult of Humanity, with its rites of Freedom and Equality, always stuck me 
as a  revival of those ancient cults in which Gods were like animals or had animal heads.

  And so, not knowing how to believe in God and unable to believe in an aggregate of animals, I, along with other people on the fringe, kept a distance from things, a distance
commonly called Decadence.
Decadence is the total loss of unconsciousness, which is the very basis of life.
Could it think, the heart would stop beating."

why to follow up Henry Miller and my last notes with Fernando Pessoa?

i understand this 'decadence" well, it is a distance to oneself and others
in a cultured estrangement from the roots of life itself. It is a way of staying
thinking non-stop, it took him several personalities to keep it up, 
and i cannot see Fernando Pessoa with a belly laugh.
would i have liked to meet him? yes, for curiosity,
not for a real conversation as i couldn't have known who is talking and who is listening.

he is profoundly honest-"Humanity being a mere biological idea  and signifying nothing 
more than the animal species we belong to"- i really appreciate this.
The idea on worshipping ´though appears irrelevant to my perspective.

Less observation and more falling and meeting may make all the difference.

when we observe, we judge , classify-and we all know how conditioned 
the observer is and how the results of his or her research and opinions depend on herself/himself. observing is not living. we end up with a collection of  dead butterflies.

Pessoa and Kafka appear not so far from each other in some ways,
but they are totally different. but both share and give the experience 
of honest fight and truthful stress of soul in the quest for freedom.

What is freedom there?
Is it freedom they achieve? 
or only a strife for freedom from patterns and the sharpening of the saw
to cut bonds and false perception? i hear the saw shrieking.
i heard it for so long.

give us a break, a laugh.
give us not only blood , give us a heart to find.
can i do this?
i don't know.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Peace is every step, Thich Nhat-Hanh

Peace is every step. 
The shining red sun is my heart. 
Each flower smiles with me. 
How green, how fresh all that grows. 
How cool the wind blows. 
Peace is every step. 
It turns the endless path to joy. 

Merry Xmas, mind your food...

                                i wish there is something in this soup against diarrhoea.

                                Merry Xmas!

Monday, December 18, 2017

going to the river

we are not amused?
life with me is lazy days
and rough walks in
the steppes of life

i'll take your hand
and pull, i use bad
language, eat animals.
i laugh with a hoarse voice

i tell the same stories
again and again, the
same jokes, i am old
and i know, i accept

limits only when i
cannot climb them, i
push my head against
walls and pamphlets.

i stay for days inside.
i smile and care, i shout
at the birds because
i cannot fly.

i do all this and know,
each one is many
and solitude is shelter
from eyes who can see

me smoking too much
and coughing. wisdom
is slow reaching me,
so when you give your

hand, we both know
that one is not one
and two are not two.
would you walk with me?

there is we say a flow
and its scent are flowers
and its ways are filled
with dark rivers carrying

us to the sea, and a
time will come not
to swim but be carried
into the memory of all

before forgetting hold
me one last moment,
and i will let my warmth
go to be yours and my

last smile to dance in
the water blowing rings
like a small trout
jumping with joy.

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Song For Rain , Animated Short Film

Schindler's List ,John Williams, Violin Solo


why should i write
when all has been said,
i can just give voice
and colour to words

why talk about the clock
when it is ticking
day and night
with tick and tock

why describe kisses
turning them tasteless
or trees standing tall
to make them small

why narrate cruelty
when i cannot reach
the torturer’s soul
nor make deeds undone

why go on about death
when it is unavoidable,
why tell tales on courage
when it needs doing

why complain on fate
in place of acting
and why pray with words
what  only silence can say

why dissect feeling
when it flows,
why babble on happiness
and not accept sadness

the language of love,
in passion, in joy, in pain,
must be shared in pure
heart, listening to the

wind in the valley and
on top of the mountains
in clear skies, above the sea,
we shall sound a horn

through the fog of our minds,
to be witness, to share
what is, to warn what may be,
to remember the forgotten,

this to call words to do.
words not being letters
but signs and signals,
notations of human songs,

spoken a living thread
pulsing, pervading
what is invisible,
changing in the in between.

Friedrich Gulda: Mozart , Piano Concerto in D minor, K 466, comment

like burning sage smoking out demons and ghosts after all this before,including in context the last two posts, past, trouble, worry, suffering, cycles and prison time, pointless rebellion, opposition without perspective, deconstruction without seeds growing, energy wasted on cutting a way through jungles of soul and conditioning-
and when the smoke lifts only silence remains,
and then we finally can give us up , can give without questioning.

Björk , Body Memory (Utopia)

Solitude Ain't Loneliness, Michelle T. Clinton

Star, Derek Walcott

If, in the light of things, you fade
real, yet wanly withdrawn
to our determined and appropriate
distance, like the moon left on
all night among the leaves, may
you invisibly delight this house;
O star, doubly compassionate, who came
too soon for twilight, too late
for dawn, may your pale flame
direct the worst in us
through chaos
with the passion of
plain day.

Hector Zazou, The Lighthouse

Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld , What If

Joseph Brodsky, Elegie an John Donne, Christian Reiner

Avishai Cohen , Will I Die, Miss? Will I Die?

A Song, poem, Joseph Brodsky

"What's the point of forgetting
if it's followed by dying?"

Björn Meyer,Trails Crossing, Provenance

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

No silêncio da terra, antónio ramos rosa

No silêncio da terra

No silêncio da terra. Onde ser é estar.
A sombra se inclina.
Habito dentro da grande pedra de água e sol.
Respiro sem o saber, respiro a terra.
Um intervalo de suavidade ardente e longa.
Sem adormecer no sono verde.
Afundo-me, sereno,
flor ou folha sobre folha abrindo-se,
respirando-me, flectindo-me
no interior aberto.
Não sei se principio.
Um rosto se desfaz, um sabor ao fundo
da água ou da terra,
o fogo único consumindo em ar.

Eis o lugar em que o centro se abre
ou a lisa permanência clara,
abandono igual ao puro ombro
em que nada se diz
e no silêncio se une a boca ao espaço.

Pedra harmoniosa
do abrigo simples,
lúcido, unido, silencioso umbigo
do ar.

o teu corpo
à flor da terra.
Tudo principia.

antónio ramos rosa

Tori Amos ,Take to the sky@ Bergenfest 2015.13th June 2015.

Tori Amos , Winter (album version)

Simple Gifts , Yo-Yo Ma, Alison Krauss

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

Lisa Hannigan , Little Bird (Bing Lounge)

Sweet Tides, Thievery Corporation

It took so long, for me to realize
How strong your heart is
And all this time, my mind was working
In strange ways
Looking back on the days, just wanna be free
Through the love in your eyes
Now I'm staring inside, just wanna be free
Through the love in your eyes
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...
Sharp turn, my mind is a blur
Slow passage through the air
Looking back on the days
All over your mind, just wanna be free
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...
It took so long, for me to realize
How strong your heart is
And all this time, my mind was working
In strange ways
Sharp turn, my mind is a blur
Slow passage through the air
Looking back on the days
All over your mind, just wanna be free
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...
Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Into the Silence, Irish Miles, David Darling

Ralph Towner , Oceanus

fft=fc family trouble.
i go to sea~
my blood dispersing,
breathing under water,
coming up with the dolphins...

Dominic Miller , Water (from the album Silent Light)

Avishai Cohen , Song of Hope (Official Music Video) pain?
faith is...irrelevant?
i am ...nothing?
what i feel is...useless?
what i do...does not matter.

no. i am a wave between waves,
a pulsing thread, i am  giving and taking
and spinning life, a bridge and an abyss,
a seed and a tree. you can call my name,
but i am not my name.

there is a fire in my room,
outside a storm howling
bending the trees i can see..

nice song, anyway. good musician.

Ketil Bjørnstad & David Darling , The River (full album)

Eric Burdon & The Animals, St.James Infirmary

Preservation Hall Jazz Band , St James Infirmary

Debussy ,The Snow is Dancing, Paul Barton, FEURICH

Earl Wild , Rachmaninov ,Dreams, Op. 38 No. 5

The Weighing, Jane Hirshfield

The Weighing

The heart’s reasons
seen clearly,
even the hardest
will carry
its whip-marks and sadness
and must be forgiven.
As the drought-starved
eland forgives
the drought-starved lion
who finally takes her,
enters willingly then
the life she cannot refuse,
and is lion, is fed,
and does not remember the other.
So few grains of happiness
measured against all the dark
and still the scales balance.
The world asks of us
only the strength we have and we give it.
Then it asks more, and we give it.

Albert Camus, Happiness, Love,

"If those whom we begin to love could know us as we were before meeting them … they could perceive what they have made of us."

"For me, physical love has always been bound to an irresistible feeling 
of innocence and joy. Thus, I cannot love in tears but in exaltation."

"It is not humiliating to be unhappy. Physical suffering is sometimes humiliating, but the suffering of being cannot be, it is life."

"I have not stopped loving that which is sacred in this world."

Albert Camus, Happiness, Love

The Songs of Trees, David George Haskell,

The Songs of Trees, David George Haskell

"For the Homeric Greeks, kleos, fame, was made of song. Vibrations in air contained the measure and memory of a person’s life.
To listen was therefore to learn what endures.
I turned my ear to trees, seeking ecological kleos. I found no heroes, no individuals around whom history pivots. Instead, living memories of trees, manifest in their songs, tell of life’s community, a net of relations. We humans belong within this conversation, as blood kin and incarnate members. To listen is therefore to hear our voices and those of our family.
To listen is therefore to touch a stethoscope to the skin of a landscape, to hear what stirs below."
"We’re all — trees, humans, insects, birds, bacteria — pluralities. Life is embodied network. These living networks are not places of omnibenevolent Oneness. Instead, they are where ecological and evolutionary tensions between cooperation and conflict are negotiated and resolved. These struggles often result not in the evolution of stronger, more disconnected selves but in the dissolution of the self into relationship.
Because life is network, there is no “nature” or “environment,” separate and apart from humans. We are part of the community of life, composed of relationships with “others,” so the human/nature duality that lives near the heart of many philosophies is, from a biological perspective, illusory. We are not, in the words of the folk hymn, wayfaring strangers traveling through this world. Nor are we the estranged creatures of Wordsworth’s lyrical ballads, fallen out of Nature into a “stagnant pool” of artifice where we misshape “the beauteous forms of things.” Our bodies and minds, our “Science and Art,” are as natural and wild as they ever were.
We cannot step outside life’s songs. This music made us; it is our nature.
Our ethic must therefore be one of belonging, an imperative made all the more urgent by the many ways that human actions are fraying, rewiring, and severing biological networks worldwide. To listen to trees, nature’s great connectors, is therefore to learn how to inhabit the relationships that give life its source, substance, and beauty."
and on the Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador he describes so beautifully the rain and the forest concluding here: 
"This dissolution of individuality into relationship is how the ceibo and all its community survive the rigors of the forest. Where the art of war is so supremely well developed, survival paradoxically involves surrender, giving up the self in a union with allies.
The forest is not a collection of entities… it is a place entirely made from strands of relationship."

                                      Brothers Grimm, illustration, Arthur Rackham

Dave Holland Quartet ,Conference of the Birds (Reissued on 180g Vinyl)

Nick Drake , Time Has Told Me

hum. my rose has thorns and poison- but is so sweet inside *

Time has told me You’re a rare, rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more For someday our Ocean Will find it’s shore So I’ll leave the ways of making me be What I really don’t want to be Leave the ways that are making me love What I really don’t want to love Time has told me You came with the dawn A soul with no footprint A rose with no thorn Your tears they tell me There’s really no way Of ending your troubles With things you can say And time will tell you To stay by my side To keep on trying ‘til theres no more to hide So leave the ways that are making you be What you really don’t want to be Leave the ways that are making you love What you really don’t want to love Time has told me You’re a rare, rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more For someday our ocean Will find its shore

U2 , Book Of Your Heart

mixed day

beautiful winter light
and more than 25 years of professional life in a container, sweet release to get rid of ‚things'.
i will still work next year, part time, with other doctors, slowly stepping out.
i hope to be more out and moving, walking, riding, travelling-when i shall live.
life is rich or can be.
when i shall be dead, sela.
i have no more expectations. most had and have been filled before, in good and in bad. i pay
25 000 euros now for prescriptions above budget. i buy peace, i cannot fight the system without having my remaining years spoilt with files, lawyers, courts.
so good bye and bom dia.
i lost all desire. maybe it can wake again, intuition tells me nothing, maybe life will.
it is not ‚the' past bringing adversary happenings walking through my sleep, it is the last years.
when this will be solved without words, i can go and live in peace.
or die in peace.
it is the same.