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Monday, November 26, 2018

Mozart , 12 Variations on a French Nursery Theme, K 265

Antonio Vivaldi , La Serenissima

Pablo Lapidusas , O que será

Mamady Keïta , Kuku

Alan Watts , Don't Force Anything , Wu Wei

that's all true, and when i cannot see lines to follow i can go away, isn't it?

and leave any attempt of doing what i intended to do.

when the axe hits back from a hard piece of timber: stop.

i enjoy zen without too much buddhism or christianity in its pure way, and i enjoy

the  way of the dao.

love, Thich Nhat Hanh

well...this doesn't work..not these last years ..must be mutual

Tommy Tiernan, Mass

Zen Koan , Hui-neng's flag

Master Joshu, quote

Joshu said, "I can make one blade of grass a sixteen foot golden Buddha, and I can make a sixteen foot gold Buddha into one blade of grass.
Buddha is compulsive passions.
Compulsive passions are Buddha." A monk asked, "How can compulsive passions be escaped?" Joshu said, "What's the use of escaping?"