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Saturday, June 25, 2016

poem for her dog

poem for her dog

she, a tiny ball,
curly and black,
so weak now
and all she is

is soul,
alive through love
until love
will take her home

sometimes her eyes
ask what happens
like a child
and though she 

knows like a child,
the answer
is in presence
and touch

and we know
when we see,
she knows

she is pure
and will be,
her colors
are joy and life

and her life
will be 
running ,
jumping high grass

across the sunset
into happiness 

one day
we will miss her
but she will stay
in mind and heart

off and on
wagging her tail
with a soft bark
and somehow a smile


one day
i met my heart
and yours
another day

i wanted
to be a poem
and be voice
and silence

i longed 
to be a pause
between breaths
and waves

rising and sinking,
a space 
growing out
into skies infinite

i wanted 
to be a poem
though i am

just me, a man
who wants to sing
in your arms

you may listen
without hearing
beyond words