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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Diário de serenidade

it doesn't matter what i do as long as i don't want to do something.

i could sleep now...

Cuidado: buying no trousers

i tried to buy trousers here in  El Corte Inglés. 
no. minimum length all 34, i don't like to walk on but in them. need 32.
orange juice, stopped thinking, no plans now.
i see various people walking across.
fat women carrying their belly proudly in front of them, walking upright with a smile. i see a slim one, bent over, no strength left, her head wobbling towards her chest with each step. i see men with a gait as if they would use nappies, tight arsed and vane. 
i notice i am still very tired.
so, i have written enough.
next to me a portuguese chat between friends, coffees on the table.
it is still relaxing to understand only few singled out words. no stories. i am resting.

a certain dis-orientation

there is
i hear
a call

a cry
a siren
a sigh
a song
a melody

foxes, crows,
shooting stars,
owls, echoes
of cuckoos
and rainbows

i listen
i do not know
what it is
where it starts
where it ends

no, not noise
it goes with silence,
grows out of suffering
and out of joy,
flows into the night

and meets me
when i wake
to the mornings
deep and disturbing,
the imminence of
birth and death

i walk out
ready to be slaughtered
together with others,
animals, cauliflowers,

and each day
i am astonished
to be alive
and not so sure
what it may mean


whereever i am
i am alone
and wherever i am
i long for call it heaven
or call it death
i long for my home
in the stars
as you do

and wherever i am
i have longed for you,
to touch me,
to walk home
together with me

i have longed
to love you
as i love myself
to live and to die
with wonder:
and love is wonder

i have longed
to love you
more than you
love yourself

to take you to the river
where we can swim
and flow into the sea
slowly, unerringly,
firm, hand in hand

i have i think
longed for you
before i was born
and i was born blind

and i lived in confusion
in anger, in loss, in pride,
in words and in thoughts
now i am here

i have been with you
before you were born
and i will stay.
there is nowhere
else but fate

with my last smile
i want to meet yours.
a kiss is a kiss,
time is not real.

and though we must die,
we can grow now
as flowers rise out
of dry tree stumps

and find peace
in the dance with the wind,
silently moving here,
caressed by shade and sun

until we sink into the 
green grass and sleep
unforgotten by dreams,
singing at night

we will go
and it will  be good