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Saturday, September 6, 2014

judo for the heart: this is not a poem

as a child
i stood on
a stool
in the kitchen

and i preached
my family
until they tired

when i went to school
i could read
and soon they
called me Hemingway
but they couldn't
say it

so they got annoyed
and they beat me.
the leader
and his helpers.

i called them
many things
and i kept on
saying what i thought
however much
i was beaten

truth was more
to me
than suffering

when i was fourteen
i learnt some judo
from a kind
japanese man in my home

and next time
i did a nice one
over the shoulder,
the leader fell
flat to all the class

the followers
lost belief
and i
stayed in peace
ever since

is there
a judo
for my heart?

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