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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Now, come on, this is the universe

she said
i must be dead
so i cannot be stirred
nor bitten
by the snake of desire

she said
i must be dead
so i cannot be wounded
i will not re-enter

i must be dead
to keep peace.
and for long months
she said
i must be dead.

she cannot sleep.
it is not easy
to be dead.

for a very long time
he had said
i must be dead
so i cannot be hurt

he said
i must be dead
and he was sleepless,
listening to to the steps
of his shadow.

he said
i must be dead,
then somebody will come
and save me.

When he woke
he met
only dead people
who were alive,
confused and enclosed.

lived in a grave
with hot water bottles
warming their feet,

they were all naked
as they had been born,
and all of them thought,
nobody will see us.

are we
waiting for the trumpets
calling doomsday

or can we go into the sun
for a little while more?

should we not travel
with joy to the stars
and hold our hands
with us and the universe?

can you or i?

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