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Saturday, November 29, 2014

i read yesterdays on music and water

it is not the one sound of the flute nor the sequence or composition of notes nor the rhythm which makes music music.  it is ones mind listening  to the flow and it is the  life and spirit in what you hear taking you on from now. "good" music is undefinable, it is an entrance to development, change, blossoming out and into inner life and death at the same time. it can be  resonance of  mystery, revelation, inspiration. it is life and it is timeless. each moment in music is now, and one now follows the other: this is life. music can make you discover life as being there now, and it always is.  music takes you out of your day for day experience of time, it contradicts your concept and imagination of time as it is always there only now. when the music stops and if you loved it and you had given your complete awareness to it  owing to the spiritual quality of "good" music, you will always feel a moment of sadness as if  life had stopped for a moment and death would approach. often i feel a vague but intense desire for some place i cannot remember or i do not know, yet.

when i sit next to a river and watch its flow i tend to go into meditation. the flow takes me away, the reflections of light and shadow, the eddies, whirls, curls, the small places of hesitation or restlessness, the back current near the bank, the way of the water around obstructions, dead branches, stones, the leaves dancing on the surface, sinking, coming up again, the gurgling, the sound of the birds and the water, the scent of just this place where i am now.

the deep quality of the river is direction of flow.
even seeing the  whirlpools and the backwaters, the flow is one way.
when the path is narrow it will flow faster, when the river's bed is large it will glide more slowly.
but it is always the same flow.
water will meet water, another river, a lake, the sea. it will always reach the ocean.

one drop of water does not make the river nor the ocean
but it will always be a a part of flow and life.
this can be one spiritual core of  a meditation on water.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."

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