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Saturday, January 10, 2015

naizak - anouar brahem .wmv

contrast to music:

"Charlie Hebdo"....what does this incident mean for me? it disturbs me that the idea of freedom, that freedom itself is being attacked. but it is daily bread. again. it is "nice" and maybe important, that solidarity is being formed for freedom: or is it against terrorism? or is it against terrorists? it is ok if it is solidarity with the relatives and friends and colleagues  of  those killed. but is it not a show too? high profile solidarity..if it is "against" it is useless. you cannot fight stupidity, blindness, fanatism by opposing it with a march of solidarity . it needs more than that. it needs education, information, and it needs courage and integrity, and it needs the money to be used for education and not for more and better equipped police units. i admit that i like that politicians will endanger themselves joining the movement on the road.but what about all the other daily inhumanity, misused children, child slavery at the whim of capitalism, textile industry and corrupt regimes, children maimed by mines sold by so called civilized countries, women and children mistreated and exploited allover this world, young men forced into wars they didn't want, what about all these young people in Europe right here with a lost future? what about all the blood spilled in the name of so many Gods and misused enthusiasm?
big letters about terrorists killed and loud voices for a European anti-terrorist force. is it of any use and is it the right way? here in Germany we have now this beer- dripping dumb Pegida movement against immigrants and muslims already, nationalism has again been growing in many countries allover in central Europe and elsewhere. i hope that there will be enough balance of views and and a careful weighing of one evil against the other in the following political acts.if we give more attention to terrorist acts than to a more intelligent approach to life, communication and education  in a multi-cultural society , if we are more against than for...we will lose all on the way to a life with more humanity, in the end we will show ourselves to be more stupid than terrorists. we will grow into terrorists against just this freedom we are talking about. we will be drawn into a spiral of hatred,  revenge and and fear and close borders in the mind as well as politically. all this means that i support a movement for freedom of the press and art and solidarity with those suffering from these deaths at "Charlie Hebdo", but i will not support any movement "against" whatsoever and i only ask to get the relations right. and i am just sad.

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