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Sunday, February 1, 2015

also an aperture

"It may sound like a bit of word trickery, but the I is an eye. That is to say, the Self, as it exists within the conscious awareness of its own being, is not only a spark of the divine seed which gives life to all creatures or things, it is also an aperture, a pupil through which all of the impressions of the world fall into Being."

ja, i like that.

but this is not the word trickery...what i don't like so very much at all is the definition or description of man or any living creature or plant or river  as  a  "thing" in this text.
It is not necessary to start there, to start with dead words and with a dead meaning..

well, step for step working oneself out of the historical etymology of words and out 
of the engravings of ontology..
is it a ladder or a circle or a spiral?

it is snowing heavily outside, now.

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