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Saturday, February 21, 2015

bestiarium of disgrace

a bestiarium of disgrace

as we walk along beaches
and follow stonepaths
and springs in the mountains,
our minds clear up
with the changes of light
and powers of  earth

and then for the night
we tire of climbing
and talking, we
breathe and may sleep
in the rhythms of stars

for a time in arms
of another one.
if you cannot take,
if you cannot take
solace you cannot give 

dogs and cats
take and give.
what a stupid thing 
to say: there is 
no solace.

i heard this today.
it killed my flow
more than all
else said, done,

undone. i was left
in outer space, no
air, a trapdoor
straight down 
in free flight.

she laughed like
a goat, a sound
coming from stone
fields and deserts
and cold 

how we, humans,
even if in love,
even as friends,
can be our worst
enemies, this,

this is the bestiarium
of our disgrace.
instead to come
together, close,
against cold winds
and for better fate

we don't even fight
for the safer place
but for who is right
and who is wrong.

i am bored.

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