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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

'body culture', remarks

an over emphasized topic filled with so many meanings,in the context of history and consumerism.advertisements tell you how to look, and by no means does the damage to self consciousness and awareness only affect women. in my profession i know so many many young men who run to accomplish changing their physical appearance buying loads of proteine diets and exercising in the fitness studios for hours and hours.i know so many men reaching 50 and more who run against ageing with highly competitive and testosterone loaded energy and it often is a sadly ridiculous show.
nobody should follow a culture in order to look different.
body culture should be caring for oneself, about the joy of movement and whatever training is done, it shouldn't be a punishment, it shouldn't be competitive as a pre-condition but lead to 'feeling better'  disregarding all sociocultural expectations and sales images.
young or old men, brainlessly driven to stupid goals, even with muscle plus muscle, you shouldn't do it to be attractive. when you cannot smile out of your self , you, who wants to talk to you. do it for your self! only.

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