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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ryke Geerd Hamer, A 4 year old died, one more on the list

Hamer lives in Norway now as far as I know. His sectarian way is called New "Germanic" medicine and has a lot of followers with people still deeply rooted in Nazi "occultism", blinded followers of the Aryan way. However tragic his own story may be, the horrible fate of people he treated weighs more. After all, he is still alive and in business. Even if together with the antroposophic (Rudolf Steiner) way of thinking, we may agree that cancer can grow inside from shock and grieve, it does not give us a right to wait for the best, not as far as our patients are concerned, not when an illness can be treated efficiently , the treatment being less harmful than the disease. It certainly doesn't allow us to kill our children. Unfortunately I even know people who maintain that suffering is good for their children, it will clear their bad Karma which they had collected in previous lives. I just hate this. How can you say and feel this.  And about Hamer i am deeply shocked about his connections to Nazi ideology and families.
More, really, is not to say: nice words and theories hiding a murderer in business.

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