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Monday, May 25, 2015

Australia, David Whyte

The light has come to find you again,
even on the far side of the waking world,
look inland and you catch the dark interior
essentiality of what is hidden in the empty center,
look outward and you see the tidal run of the ocean
stretching forever from the shore on which you stand,
above all and across both, the newness and the unimaginably
ancient, singing together, and then everywhere
the light painted on light, in the sky, on the ground
and in the faces of those looking not at you
but through you, to the beckoning horizon,
to the pale night of a southern sapphire sky,
or even beneath you, through the dust of the endless earth,
to the dream-time in the mind’s eye of what happened
and what is about to happen, even in the crowded cities,
even on the endless coast, even in the beautiful interior desolations
that never grew a single tree, we feel it when we hear
the growing whisper of rain feeding the parched ground,
or in the inward growth that makes what has long
been hidden begin to show its face in the world,
the unspoken sense, not of being free now but the anticipation
of being let go into something deeper, further, beyond
our living in the everyday, into the beckoning endless land,
into the blue-hilled horizon, into the oceans mounting roar,
an unspoken and indescribable freedom just about to happen,
reaching for the shore, we ride the slow, curling
but never breaking wave of our longed for arrival.
Australia © David Whyte
Byron Bay May 25th 2015
Walking the Shore
Byron Bay, Australia, May 25th 2015
Photo © David Whyte

 Walking the Shoreline
Byron Bay, Australia, May 25th 2015
Photo © David Whyte

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