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Thursday, September 17, 2015

poison and black holes

and that's it: poison and black holes.
the mirror has broken, only ghosts in the shards,
not mine, not my ghosts, not my shards.
but splinters under my feet.
it can be wise to put on solid shoes today.
or not move one step anymore.
turn. and not look back
where grey ghosts only are in waiting for me.
a cold wind today,
sun and clouds and rain.
it is the autumn of life or already my winter.
but it is wild and alive.
i am going to take a bath, a beer, two wodkas,
I'll shake off my leaves to fly with the season,
and in spring i will turn green.
nobody to stop me but death, it is nature itself
to let me grow and sleep and go.

(it doesn't matter what i write here, 
 but for me.)

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