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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bees, Birds and Mankind, Destroying Nature by "Electrosmog", Ulrich Warnke

Ulrich Warnke offers interesting insights and views reaching out of
Again, all to be taken with a grain of doubt as all opinions must
be taken.

I can but offer one example, a young female patient of mine had
her cell phone at her ear for many many hours a day at the same time
producing countless text messages. She started all of a sudden epileptic fits
which later on only started again when she had her next period of the same
obsessive use of her cell phone. Both times she thought she was in love,
but she was merely obsessed. So i cannot be too sure what brought on
her fits, obsession or cell phone. But even at the university hospital
her cell phone was clearly called the culprit.

On youtube are some quite good videos- but all in German language.

The link below leads to an article in English language.

BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND Destroying Nature by ‘Electrosmog’ Ulrich Warnke

summary, quote:

"For many decades, research results showing that the natural electrical and magnetic fields and their variation are a vital precondition for the orientation and navigation of a whole range of animals, have been freely available. What has also been known to science for many decades is that we as humans depend on this natural environment for many of our vital functions.
Today, however, this natural information and functional system of humans, animals and plants has been superimposed by an unprecedented dense and energetic mesh of artificial magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic fields, generated by numerous mobile radio and wireless communication technologies.
The consequences of this development have also been predicted by the critics for many decades and can now no longer be ignored. Bees and other insects disappear, birds avoid certain areas and are disoriented in other locations. Humans suffer from functional disorders and diseases. And those that are hereditary are passed on to the next generation as existing defects."

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