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Sunday, January 10, 2016

every breath you take

every breath you take, every step you make, each song you listen to,
each scent coming to you, each stone you touch, each word you forget to say,
each silence you walk into and each river where you wet your feet, each flower you see
and each bird in flight, each leaf on the ground and each cloud in the sky, each tree you feel and each shadow joining your mind,
let it be.
what you think is not important now.
let it be.
dive and swim and float,
the salty sea makes you light,
your breath carries you,
the wind takes you in soft and cool arms.
you remember childhood hurt, deprivation of soul and skin,
longing to be loved, your skin burns now and your heart is not at rest,
let it be,
let yourself be carried,
you are you,
you can be
and you can be silent
and sad or not sad,
float in your own breath,
float in peace,
let it be.
you are not a fish in a glass,
you are not in the cellar staring at patterns in the stones.
you are here and you are there,
let it be.
you hear your mother's hysteric voice,
you feel insufficient, always no good,
your father's son,
a half-blood in town,
somebody to be aborted, to be killed,
an outcast.
let it be.
maybe it was like that,
it is not now.
let it be.
you have been an outcast for long,
you have been near death,
but what is this death
but a surrender to love.
let it be.
you have been an outcast for long,
you felt you had to be "special"
to make good,
but why,
it is nothing to you.
let it be.
you kept on living
only because,
in opposition,
in spite,
out of your own strength,
so you are strong,
but it is nothing.
let it be,
you are alone,
it is good,
let it be.
your thoughts are  not important now.
now you love from the deep,
again sensual deprivation,
a loved one may fear you,
you may fear her,
a soul so near,
for now let it be.
let it all be
and surrender to peace.
surrender to love.
breathe and let your breath carry you.
nobody else will do this.
just may join for a time, some time.
stay silent.

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