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Monday, March 21, 2016

quotes, another blog: i do not agree with all the inherent theology but these are authentic words

"Now, my day-to-day life is a desert without any of that green grass growing in it; yet it's possible to insert a tiny seed of life and love into my daily interaction, into those dry, mechanical, and often petty and destructive processes that emerge from my ego. That seed — which, through grace and with a little water, might produce a bit of grass — is the question."

"What I ought to do is throw all of that aside and come to each human being on the common ground of this humanity we share, attempting to compassionately open myself to them through an organic experience of who they are — something that is for the most part quite elusive, obscured as it is by the inexorable expression of my mechanical parts, that seem determined to crush everything and everyone in front of me and extract some bitter substance I will nonetheless  perversely savor in my effort to feel superior. It's quite a relief, really, when something more active is capable of discarding that nonsense so that I can truly honor another person for themselves."

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