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Saturday, March 5, 2016

the fifth element , tears and music

there are these days stretching
the edges of the mind,
they pull fishhooks and shoes
from the bed of the sea

all the uncried tears are
down there, they dried
out the fingers of your soul,
unwept tears made you hard

they made your walk heavy
and your neck stiffen,
to find them is torture,
and then release

though even if you have gone far
you cannot return to the place
where you came from: now
you and this place are not the same

there are these days when
you feel lost though you are not,
it is only the slow opening of knots
and patterns shifting and moving

and you can listen to the music,
follow the pureness of frequencies,
find through rhythm and resonance
and be alive in the pauses

where silence speaks to you
from deep inside:
be who you are
and take a coffee


12 : 9 = 8 : 6


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