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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

the present

a child was given a present:
a tortoise and a frog.
The child touched them, imprisoned them as it was taught to do.
It fed them, salad to the tortoise, flies to the frog.
They looked unhappy.
The child took them out.
It tickled the butt of the frog, and the frog leaped.
Then it tried the same with the tortoise. I withdrew its head into its shell.
the child didn't understand. it took a stick and prodded the tortoise
to make it walk faster or to jump didn't even come out of its shell.
the child kicked it and left it outside. the frog had jumped away already.
the child was disappointed, sad and it was angry.
it thought they didn't want to play with him.
it was right, but it didn't understand.
the child went inside and asked his father about these matters.
Father nodded his head and said ever so wisely:
they are just like that, different.
some presents shouldn't be given,
neither to children nor to adults.

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