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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My God, said the Rabbi

My God, said the Rabbi, why is it always my own problems which affect me most of all?

so again a note on love and being in love.
both can change everything inside and outside to good or bad,
for sure change occurs.

all gets examined, a continuous unsafety in finding identity in between and of keeping integrity.
it is in parts a cruel process in which emotions can be overwhelming and also can  transform by distillation.

nothing goes with partial presence and learning to love is so difficult,
this is why everybody finds pets easier...or as me, horses, they are not pets.

when feeling is not deep enough and readiness for presence and for giving oneself is not enough,
when pain and fear overgrow joy, love may find another way inside and outside or stay an illusion
or when a person has enough courage to embrace the demons and dance  with dragons,
he or she may find true love inside for being, for animals, plants,stones, humans, for life and death.
to love all is easier than to love one, no?

me, i have walked all ways, walked, walk...with cherries singing in my eyes and with a hand in my hand, with anger, frustration, with joy, with dreams and with care and with a deep feeling of nearness and with always again heightened awareness:
i don't know where i go and where i will be.

I am sorry i don't comment the bad weather, he tornados, the floodings, the wars and the poverty and misery and the brutality and the spiritual blindness of this world-
i am too busy. i don't want to be.

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