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Friday, August 26, 2016

on the beauty of lions

yesterday i had started to talk on lions.
i said they sleep, sleep, sleep, hunt, eat, fuck, sleep.
i couldn't finish what i tried to express.and this is quite understandable...

from near they are smelling of meat rotting between their teeth,
observing them we see that the new husband kills all the children
of the predecessor, just to be short: for us they are not so pleasant
as we would like to see. but how pleasant are we?

seeing animals in the wild we attribute to them easily emotions and 
concepts which are completely human.

we see freedom where they fight for survival, 
we see  beauty and grace in their way to move, 
happiness when they sleep and 'play'. is this true? 

the beauty we see is the mere power of being without one self-conscious thought.

we envy this because we can rarely do it, and it is not given to us at the root of our lifes.
we see happiness the same way where there is no happiness but in our imagination.
happiness is a concept we long for out of our self-consciousness, sometimes experience it in spite
of our human structure- to look for it is an idea and lions don't keep themselves busy with ideas. instead they do as said in the first lines.
we suffer and grow with this self-consciousness, we ask life constantly questions and cannot
accept the answers, we are aware of our mortality and most times too busy running from it,
we try to think before we act -not always the best way to survive.
we generate ideas and feelings of love, happiness, kindness, a heaven in us and beyond.
this makes us very frail beings in the face of a lion-we are for ourselves more like shadows on the wall,
like mirrors reflecting life more than living in it.

to find our center we  need to dive and to leave our mind.

the lion is its own center-we are not.

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