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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

quotes from another blog ,on weapons and pharisees

..." Everyone wants to be the boss, don't they?

It's interesting how we want to stand on protocol. Christ's objections to the scribes and Pharisees were that they were just such people; they want to write things down, keep track of them, and have doctrinal arguments about them. We all run into a lot of this.

Yet this misses the point. The molecular sensation of Being, the feeling sensation of Being, is always the first thing that we ought to inhabit.

This permanent sensation of Being, which ought to be a vibrant, intimate, molecular and emotional foundation to our entire lives, is generally missing. Especially when we start using the intellect. Once that takes place, we grasp everything at hand and weaponize it; we forget compassion, and love, and all the other gentle things we ought to bring to one another, and we fashioned spears with pointy ends that we stick in one another.

Being always ought to come first. One doesn't need to have arguments if one inhabits Being in a proper way. If one starts there, it is possible to receive life in a way that's quite different.

We have the potential to deeply understand the ideas of Glory, Grace, and Mercy. Not to just understand them as concepts, but to live within the practical action of their force. This can be a remarkable thing; life begins here."

well, i do not believe at all that one doesn't need to have arguments.
it depends rather on HOW one has arguments.
a silent nodding together will only create con-fusion.
and what is not said may not be perceived,
and what is said may be perceived very differently.
the author of the quoted blog teaches himself and others nearly day for day
in so many words. and i am quite confident he uses intellect
and argues easily and can get upset as anybody else.
being doesn't always come by itself,
understanding is a conscious act and not reached so easily, it has to do with
context and change, understanding and the understood changing all the time.
peace is a gift-when we have it, we should cherish it for the time being.
we are not in paradise nor will we be.

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