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Monday, October 31, 2016

human nature

what makes me sad:
that i cannot fly.
we have to walk
slowly, step for step

and ageing makes
the weight too much.
gravity grips me
at my throat.

so we must learn
to go slow
and see more
and learn the way

to leave,
to be awake
with heart and mind,
bleeding but free

enjoying each step
in the moment
as there may not
be another one.

still it makes me sad
that i cannot fly
and must move

a horse
is better company,
it does not talk
nor will it think.

a human
is a fickle being,
unsafe and dangerous,
it stumbles too often

and puts its feet
across our way
not on purpose
but by clumsiness.

this is my nature,
human failure,
and knowing death

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