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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump : the trumpet of darkness

this is not a primitive powerful man winning the election, it is primitive powerless
people having elected him their president.
the only matter speaking for him is that he is not a re-baptized ex-alcoholic
such as Mr. Bush has been, not somebody who will think God tells him what to do and it is right.
No, far worse, he is a man who will fill many of  the stupid expectations of his followers  just because he is who he is. he even doesn't mind if he will be right or wrong: he will do as he wants.
there is no reason to hope for anything good rising out of his politics.
so, the best he is: public enemy nr. one. a clear cut enemy for most of this world.
and don't we all need such enemies? we can  learn more from them than from friends. there is only one hope: for our american friends to find courage, reason and resistance enough until the next election. or better, Mr.Trump to have a nice heart attack before, no need for him to suffer, just make it quick. it is not that i really like Mrs. Clinton, but one could have hoped for reasonable politics
and a readiness to compromise.

of course, of course, i know: i don't live there, how can i know.
but eyes and ears reach far in our time, and non-involvement makes the brain work
more independently, much more smoothly. and this i know for sure.
and that bad will call bad.

just an opinion from...

"love trumps hate"

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