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Thursday, December 15, 2016

today i can see just a little more, Aleppo and other

foggy day, busy day, time for a cup of coffee, biscuits
and then a cigarette.
foggy ..
yesterday i tried to see and feel what Aleppo and all
cruelty and unnecessary suffering is asking me.

i cannot run everywhere and help nor can i alone
change the way of history of humankind.

i cannot give solace there and it wouldn't help much
nor can i bring food and water.
i cannot bring peace there.

one it asks me:
this is not to resign, not to accept brutality
as part of life. to have faith as there is no other way
but to sink in despair and nothing,
remaining in denial and none-action.

and mainly one, not to get acclimatized to terror
by seeing it far away.

it asks me to keep my eyes open, my mind, my soul,
to stay sharply aware and meet all terror even in the beginning
right here where i am.
it is not far away. it is everywhere even if not in the press.

not to wipe out what we see, not ever to see horror as entertainment
feeling oneself safe and numb, not to forget.
to live with open wounds.

blood is thicker than words, it sticks to us.
there is cruelty everywhere and it is a shame for all of us
which we cannot just forget and deny.

It is useless to go on our knees with this shame,
it is nonsense to cry crocodile tears,
but we very much shall not forget.

we must face it in our own life and around.

this article triggered the process in me:
Aleppo, Srebrenica, The Guardian

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