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Saturday, January 28, 2017

intelligence, adaptation, change, quotes, Hawking, Einstein, associations

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."

Stephen Hawking"


"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change."

Albert Einstein

now, my
associations on the meaning of adaptation for inter-being with others

when adaptation is called intelligence: 
there will be always someone to define the way i 'should' adapt
and who will call me stupid when i don't follow the same way.

therefore it is important to observe exactly the process of adaptation:
do i adapt or am i adapted?

to adapt to change in life and processes, 
new possibilities and ways, yes, when we can appreciate them
or/and when we don't have a choice. 

it is not a general must, we don't have to walk  all ways 'one' goes,
we must make our own choices.

to accept  others  does not mean to accept all happening to us.

to compromise is different from adapting but goes along with it,
the degree of tolerance varies with mutuality.

and there are other solutions to adaptation:
when i ride a river in a boat unsuitable for going down rapids,
i take it to land and walk.
i change to other ways of moving and to another territory.

this is why i prefer the second quote for many a moment in life.
it is change seen from a point of freedom meaning open ways.

of course, with unfavourable and unchangeable conditions
such as having to live in a wheel chair the first quote hits home.

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