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Sunday, February 19, 2017

addressing my itch

my itch, i talk to you,
words dropping
into no mans land,
into dead water

i cross my legs
i confront you, itch,
i cross my arms,
i refuse to call you

i will not give
a name to you:
there is too much
blindness in detail

maybe my legs are
as hairy as a spider's,
my smile is crooked
and my teeth are false

maybe you have a pimple
on your cheek, a wart
on your heart, but why
should i be concerned

through the microscope
i can see only small
parts of  you and me,
i put it in the cellar

not wishing to name
pornographically parts
but kissing you,
my arms embracing

each naked wrinkle,
softly singing warmth,
tickling the cicadas
in your head and hair

this is my itch, beyond
the edge of your eyes,
far from your vision
and so near to mine

i want to sleep
and wake with you,
the humming stillness
coming to life with a smile

in mornings embroidered
with golden light,
silvery bird song
and long long breath

silent, no words
spoiling the day
where it begins,
i talk to you

now with words
and with an itch,
and maybe
this is all

to take to my end,
people to dance
and to eat herrings,
to be happy once in a while.

good night, itch,
i ate and i drank,
it was good,
the time has come.

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