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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Americanism, The Guardian, associations

On Americanism, The Guardian

Read this excellent article.

Yes, this is not far anymore from Totalitarianism.
A government sacking at will a supreme court judge,
threatening china with war, treating other countries with
disrespect, arresting journalists,such a government is at least
dangerous to the freedom and welfare of its citizens
if not to the world.

As soon as we see the school children stand at attention
in front of huge Trump posters shouting unisono
"America first",  we know democracy will have lost.

When this new wave of nationalism will successfully take over indoctrination
at school, America will not belong to the "free" world anymore.

Can it happen?
Unfortunately everything can happen.
It is too early to know.

Will the intelligence and security agencies fish for anti-government individuals
and groups, anti-Trump-ists, call them anti-American, threaten them,
sort them out for removal?

Apart from a wall along the mexican border, will there be places to dispose
of critical individuals or will they just lose their jobs, get their bank accounts frozen
and be publicly slandered and privately threatened?

After the hunt for booze smugglers the agencies in question had taken over hunting
communists, now will it be hunting Anti-Americanists? and, clearly enough,
they will not be anti-America, but anti-totalitarian, anti-Trump, anti-government.

It is not fun to deal with the perverse elasticity of "alternative facts"
which turns real lies into a new kind of real truth, the truth of real power.

It is not only that journalists may be greedy for sensationalism,
no, there are too many parallels to see with Trump, Erdogan and Hitler.

I wonder, if Trump stays in power, do the Americans deserve him?

My only best conclusion is that clear enemies are better than friends
killing behind the lines and better than anonymous grey men never to be found,
a better stimulus to grow awareness and sharpen intelligence.

Unfortunately so: the grey men don't disappear, we cannot get at them.
They will still be there running business once we will be dead.
Alongside with discussing Mr. Trump in public,
a good press must be busy finding and exposing these grey men
running banks, weapon sales, wars and keeping up poverty and oppression.

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