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Saturday, May 27, 2017

a short reflection on the space between 'you' and ' me'

this space between 'you' and 'me' is finite and infinite as we can see,
it is not a hall of echoes nor of mirrors only,
it is the space in which possibilities grow,
a living dialogue in which we call us,
the bed of germination of flowers and weeds,
it is purification by fire, the hell of reactions, the water of life
and the foundation of paradise, all in one-starting in ourselves reaching out and meeting
and causing movement and experiencing reaction, stillness, welcome or rejection,
we call, starting with names, going on with definitions,
expectations, wishes, whatsoever-words are about all this-
we can call in another person the good and the bad,
the simple and the difficult,
the sweet and the sour,
we throw words like "you are always"
or"you are like" and very easily nomen est omen-
all transits a border and leads where nobody wanted to go-
what comes back is not in our control,
not even we are, only in so far as we can,want and
...need to be-
maybe we have all to give but can be stopped short
or stop ourselves in mid-air before we even realize what we do or
what the hell has happened a moment before.
this dialogue is alive, it comes with change, it can lead towards change,
not always for the better- it depends on each one alone and on both together
as long as there shall be a together: a matter of choice.
the space between you and me: either we can share it or we cannot.
when we feel a need to stress loneliness or togetherness: then where is this space?
when we cannot live in it: it is not there, only a poor construct
in which nobody can breathe.
still looking for this space- in the meantime i have mine.
there is nobody who can take it, i will never allow it anymore
or at least i cannot imagine i will.

"Alles wirkliche Leben ist Begegnung", Dr. Martin Buber, 
Autor von "Ich und Du"

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