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Saturday, July 29, 2017

as there is no hope

as there is no hope
there can be no doubt.
there is light, enough,
and it is clear.

we walk through
bitterness, turn sour,
and the suffering ferments
inside to essence
penetrating the soul.

all changes, all goes,
all returns in cycles.
in between we do what
needs to be done.

we try to breathe in
until our chest aches,
the pollution of centuries
of human kind
stifling the heart.

we breathe out,
and space constricts
until we wheeze
with the pressure.

when we lose hope
we have not lost
more than illusion:
we may be still and rest
and stay where we are.

Faith is based on the idea, that whatever the outcome is, it is for the better.
..Faith is not hope...hope is the desire for an outcome which suits us...
a difficult  way to see...

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