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Sunday, July 2, 2017

On music, some thoughts inspired by The Guardian

The Guardian, article on music

This, i think, is a fairly pseudo-intellectual and one-sided view
of music, not diving into the roots but staying at pseudo-scientific
levels and mingling perception of music more with social communication
and development from childhood.
There are various kinds of music, and there are various kinds of articles.
This one sounds as if someone looked just for something to write.

Aldous Huxley, 'The Rest is Silence':

"From pure sensation to the intuition of beauty, from pleasure and pain to love and the mystical ecstasy and death — all the things that are fundamental, all the things that, to the human spirit, are most profoundly significant, can only be experienced, not expressed. The rest is always and everywhere silence.
After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
In The Guardian Adam Ockelford states:
"Music conveys meaning since all its constituent sounds – notes – elicit tiny emotional responses, and these are locked together in a coherent narrative through imitation. In this sense, rushing water or pattering rain fail the “musical” test."

This-to me-sounds mere nonsense.
Listening to rain drumming , drops falling, changing rhythm and intensity and filling with silences,
birds calling or singing, the wind in the trees, the leaves rustling, all again and again
with pauses in which we listen, really listen:
in which way could i define that this is not the music of our earth, life and universe?
In which way is there no meaning, no communication? no narrative?
I wouldn't understand.
Why would the imitation of sounds from nature be "more" music than the original?
The imitation just adds the pleasure of art-of the ability to create-alchemy: it cannot define music.
All life and death everybody is in some way music. and this music does not happen in art, art reminds
us of the roots of life and through transformation, mutation and metamorphosis
can unblock our stuck gates of perception.

There are various kinds of music, music as a means of communication,
of togetherness in a presence with grace or as a vibration for erotic arousal
or for transporting and lifting the soul out of the ego to come near flying.
And i am always sad when this latter kind of music stops, ends..i am still flying,
but know i must 'land' again, it is still there, there is no real end,
but it does not embrace and hold me anymore in the moment.

And i can be sad when the rain stops to fall asleep.

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