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Monday, April 23, 2018

i am an onion

I am an onion, a donkey, a song,
the moon explodes in my head,
the stars move in my fingers,
i cannot divide the waters
nor can i control tears,
not mine, not the dead children‘s,
not yours,
i cannot tell the sun to rise
nor the birds to sing,
i cannot teach happiness
nor can i save my love,
love does not want me,
life spits me out,
i fly and fall, the tides took
me, the water is deep,
and fog came when my
wings burning touched the sea, i am nothing and all
and moon and tears
and stars and soul
meet and speak and my ears stand out, i try to listen
but fill with emptiness from afar, i err and i float and i float. only the wind comes to touch me.
i am thirsty, the desert is immense and it is as if it grows from day to day.
still. why be too sad.

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