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Thursday, April 12, 2018

lost at sea

i feel god made us
for each other
to unite and shine
the light of grace

in his widening glory.
but we are too narrow
in the moment, found
to stay apart in each.

i feel karma took
us here to meet
and to depart
across all deaths

i feel a river flows
and stops and breaks
dams and horizons
beyond our will

i feel a secret past
telling us to fight
and stay and another
to escape all chains

i feel old wounds
should be allowed
to scar and heal
but our fingers probe

and tear the flesh,
the skin, the soul,
seeking hold in memory
and shelter in fear

i feel we were made
to be together
giving peace to each
other but how

i have not seen.
one wave goes,
the other comes
to leave and make

space for the next.
there is nothing
to hold nor to let go,
all happens by itself.

i feel to feel is
to drown though
to swim and to fly
we could be the sky

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