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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mercedes Sosa , Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón (Fito Páez)

..who wants a heart? life is hard, people need bread and money.

nothing is so easy. simple feeling and spontaneous action are in a cul-de-sac.

for now, i leave it there, for another while. i invent me after more death.

i have green wings to sleep in the wind, i am a painting, a carpet of colours and holes and gaps and threads going through and such woven into a knot, fine and gross patterns, all moves.
i can just leave or not or be ashes and flowers on a wall or a field of golden wheat
or a bird or a stone covered with moss, all is possible, why not.

i talk to me endlessly, i talk me, i am the story and the narrator, i live and grow from inside as much as i can when i want to and when i don't want to. i react, fuse, blow up, re-group, i drink and eat and first of all, i am alive and never alone.
not when i am alone.because there is no alone.

we are dream and dreamer, breather and breath. not in words. or least of all in words.
more in skin, in touch, in music, in listening, in silence. sacred. it does not refer to a church.

people say one thing and feel another.
they close. we all do, again and again.

emotional depth does not mean hell but honesty
and seeing through the soul ,allowing to be seen and seeing.
it is not a demand but to try is better than to miss the dance.

experience and faith do not come to cynical , desperate or bitter conclusions: this is thought.
thought just comes and goes like hunger, thirst, pissing, shitting, death.
when it comes from inside life it will be precious.
what i see as human reason and thought is ugly buildings and distorted
persons, lost, zombies with painted nails and faces.
but, but. when i see from inside i am aware of all,
the buildings stay ugly and foreign to my soul, but the humans are more alive
as soon as i open my mind, it is all about going through the wall.
out of reaction and through the gate.
it is open. or not.

unfortunately the most intelligent and , alas, educated persons are often totally unable
to be happy, to laugh, to radiate humour.
so, look at the shit i wrote and laugh~i do or say, i smile...
and admit that hope is the most incredible form of madness,
faith a need, humour  radiates humility, grace and presence
in listening are qualities which do not grow without suffering.

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