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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

diary note

all what happens between two persons
is a process which is changing each moment
as we are ourselves a process in a process,
a pulsing presence of God, let me call this God,
incarnating himself.
we cannot control any process here,
only can try to do what we feel the every moment to be right.
and when we do wrong, this may also be right.
there is no way to know the result as there is no chain
of cause and effect, there is no result, nothing happens for a result.
trying to see like this only creates unhappiness but it is the way of thought...
we must give all a reason so we can exclude what we do not understand.
in the inbetween we must stop language and listen to the pause,
this is the voice of silence.
without this listening we cannot be present for us or for another.

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