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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I've lived to see my longings die, A.S.Pushkin

I've lived to see my longings die:-
My dreams and I have grown apart;
Now only sorrow haunts my eye,
The wages of a bitter heart.
Beneath the storms of hostile fate,
My flowery wreath has faded fast;
I live alone and sadly wait
To see when death will come at last.
Just so, when the winds in winter moan
And snow descends in frigid flakes,
Upon a naked branch, alone,
The final leaf of summer shakes!

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin


who wants to stay alone will be alone.

and sometimes there is no answer.

where i bleed, i cannot stay friend
but must keep away.

friends live their own life, they do not concentrate for each
day and for each night all their awareness on the other one,
do not give all their energy as lovers do.

friends are happy to see us, happy to be with us,
give, receive, care and be cared for, happy to share and happy to go.

love wants eternity. but it is not in our hands.

sometimes there is no choice, i do not know the right way,
but i just have to walk.

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