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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

倩女幽魂_殇, Jaqueline du Pre, Lamentation

another version...translation taken from comments, thx...:

If you died, would I miss you?

No, I wouldn't because I'd go with you.

Now standing at the edge of the world,

I look at a sea of violets spreading in the distance,

Rustling in a gentle sea breeze.

In my ears I could hear your voice singing in undertone,

Talking about our fate that could not be foretold.

In the shade of the trees I can see dots of stars winking.

They represent the regrets of our life together.

Your voice sounds forlorn like a butterfly at rest.

From the seashell I could hear the sea sobbing.

Who is keeping watch over whom?

I only understand long after you're gone

That you never belonged to me.

Let the fallen glistening leaves float and scatter,

Pouring out all the pent-up feelings.

They represent the regrets of our life together.

Your voice sounds forlorn and silent like a butterfly at rest.

From the seashell I could hear the sea sobbing.

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