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Friday, October 19, 2018

St. Jerome in the wilderness, diary

our body is not just our body, it is us, holds all memories and moving
it finds experience and creates consciousness.
we are this body. we are in incarnation.
we are this body, soul, spirit, consciousness, all of this.
no anatomy, scientist, philosopher , therapist or priest can make us forget:
we are this, our presence is coming with past and going with memory,
we are not separated in a body we have, a soul we have, a spirit we have. we have nothing. we just can do only one thing: be ourselves and move.
we find a limited range for movement, forks where to decide which path to go,
we will always make mistakes, if repeating past choices or making different ones.we will always be vulnerable and we will always err: we must accept this , our mortality shows it clearly. but there is nothing to deny us when we can be free within this knowledge. wisdom is not only to stay inside and and for sure not to seek shelter in rigid mantras,
the greatest wisdom is to be a fool filled and involved with all presence, smiling or crying or still. it is to overflow with the joy of creation and to despair with compassion. a fool such wise cannot be unkind, love is not something he seeks, he is. and acts.
alas, i am taken out of the depth too often, i fail and i give up.
education and conditioning cut their soulless holes in us, inflict a crippled
perception and separate us from our cosmic life, truly from us.
the estrangement we often feel is the price of individuality, of ego.
also we know that fools get hurt. but, just for the sake of truth, we get hurt anyway.
again and again i stay more blind than foolish.
but then, even fools must run when the soles of their feet burn.

'Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow'

St. Jerome i the wilderness, Mantegna

This man sought ascetic penance: for what?
he had been ill ....

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