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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, 2019

any day is ok to learn, to burn books, rules, images, art, paintings, past, future, hope.
yes, hope. no expectation, no hope, just be and do and shut up.
we come into the world to eat, to shit, to die. an old zen proverb.
maybe i burn all my books and paintings...
we cannot escape suffering, maybe disappointment when we get wiser. sometimes.
anyway, we can enjoy all the in between, even simple pleasures, bread, wine, song and making love, walking and breathing, all the sensual world and all joy of the soul
moving and flying, at times to be a dancing god playing human, at times playing a human who is part of all we may call god. we don‘t know, but we know. we know we are never alone and we know we are alone. and we know that no trouble nor worry is permanent, nothing is so important that we need to commit spiritual suicide.
better take three deep breaths, in, out,out, an aspirine, a coffee, a glass of wine.
we‘d better know that words get turned around on their way, they come back as monsters. we get what we call and we get what we didn‘t ask for.
life is one turmoil, to always suspect the worst will not help. to hope the best doesn‘t either. so why care so much? sure, we can try to be kind, it is ‚nicer‘, but it is only beautiful when we can do it with a true smile spreading out. in giving.
i don‘t know what life‘s aim may be, is it this kind of beauty above and through all the touching music working in and out of us? what i know is it takes blood, bones, flesh, skin, soul, it takes all and it gives all.
we live and we die. i do. happy new year....s.

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