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Monday, March 30, 2015

there is no 'non' in life, 'non' doesn't count

i am tired and sad but a relationship which causes imbalance howsoever beautiful stops the ability to walk.i have to return to the source of my very own happiness inside. the absence of illusion is an illusion. there is no non-illusion as there is no non-nothing and no non-being. the acceptance and awareness of illusion belongs to the way to wisdom. to continue to suffer from a recognized illusion once you know better is silly. really, there is always a way out, even if the path can be hard and harsh as we have to act in accordance with our own insufficiency and deficiencies. in the end it doesn't matter what i expect but what i want. the only sin is to act against better knowledge. i share this, it will soon be Easter: please don't glorify suffering. be open for true joy, share when you can, and live as happy as you can. i try.

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