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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Rudolf, Steiner, The Philosophy of Freedom, quotes

"Live through deeds of love, 
and let others live with understanding for each person's unique intentions."

"A moral misunderstanding, a clash, is out of the question between people who are morally free. 
Only one who is morally unfree, who obeys bodily instincts or conventional demands of duty, turns away from a fellow human being if the latter does not obey the same instincts and demands as himself."

Rudolf Steiner, The Philosophy of Freedom

But the first may be only possible by letting another one be and go.
In this way the second is not a turning away 
but giving up and this can be an offering of freedom.
it happens.
The first is a good way, the second cannot be a request
and appears to me as an avuncular moralizing statement in itself.

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