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Saturday, January 13, 2018


so you can watch me writing poetry, analyze, talk on sex and philosophy, on Zén, religion, sociology, psychology, medicine- there is no incoherence to be seen for me and in me.
i rebel against each opinion, i don't keep any.
all deconstruction helps only one way:
to see there is no freedom but the one we take for us and the one inside.

the only acceptable religion is kindness.
the only sin is to act against better knowledge harming me or others.

my deepest and purest and unchanging  certainty is that matter and spirit
are one and the same in essence, flesh and blood and soul in continuous permutation,
the spirit one part of this universe or another or mány and all is not nothing nor a desert nor meaningless nor meaningful but woven into each other and inseparable, alive and dying and one going into the other-
i do believe in holiness, in the interdependence of all beings on earth and in the connectedness
with our past and present actions,
and i do state for me that you and me are all related even if i shouldn't like you at all
and that my actions now can change our past, not only mine.

so, even though i can see some of my thoughts as parallel realities and me as different persons,
i am still just me and exist as well as not in relation to you and to myself and again not at all and this all in different ways weighed with the interpretation of the observer who is never independent.

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