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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Technique doesn't exist , Maria Joao Pires- not only for the piano

when i write or read to people i do not use ' technique'.

when i make love i use no technique.

dou you? poor..if.

though when i write or read i feel that i wish my voice to reach and rise like smoke into the sky,
be a nightingale in old trees, be the deep vibration of wind in the valley,
be the whisper in forests, gurgle softly as a small stream
and move in you like rings in the water.

once in a conversation with a woman i heard anal intercourse is just for making noise such as ' ooo ooo ooo' and it is just to please a man. of course this can only be a merely very personal comment, not a general truth. i know different because persons are different. excuse this as a starter.

how can it please a man when it is no pleasure for the woman?

i for me am very receptive to scent and taste , so i like to approach

your armpit and your lap , all your intimate places,

when i can love you i want to love all who you are to me,

explore you like i'd walk along a shore touching and smelling seaweed, shells, small stones,

washed out pieces of wood and  different kinds of sand,

licking the water off my hand.

it is all one kind of music to me arising before bed and going on after.

giving you pleasure kissing you everywhere increases my pleasure a

hundred times.

this is neither technique nor pornography, it is what happens

in giving and receiving, in calling and answering.

just now i found again a book on the development of the embryo to a newborn (Karl König).

isn't it phantastic to see how the anatomical structures of  uterus, ovaries and ovarian tubes

are so deeply similar to the structures of throat, ears, eustachian tubes?

isn't listening receiving?

and what i ask is ugly in this universe?

this what we make so. creating ugliness in separating us and others from the flow of  life and  death.

this is all.

all and all depends on synchronization of harmonies integrating dis-harmonic chords

and stretching out soul and arms in the pauses, gaps giving rhythm and space and

the deepest possible experience of who we are and can be.

so let us keep pauses and gaps for us and for each other,

let us come back to 'not knowing'....

nothings is holy and all is.


ps: see also comment by 'oldschoolartist' on youtube, quite appreciated this one

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