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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

basic and simple

i found a simple truth.
somebody named it basic.
basic is not primitive,
simple can be difficult,
very very difficult.
how will confused humans stay simple?
how confused must one be to use basic
as a swearword.

salt and water are basic,
how should we live without?
air is basic, my body is basic,
basic is not up for sale to ideas.
special means nothing at all to me.
and different still includes basic
which make us all relatives.

i feel strongly that we must
accept basics, us, our body, breathing,
walking, pain, happiness,
our inter-dependency and our
source which does not belong to us,
the source from which all life and death
and joy and desire and music comes
through us and others to be in each moment.

and for myself i know what i feel as true,
each one has a story, a history, words, this is richness.

what obstructs the experience of presence , so to speak of the presence of 'God' is to have complex images, ideology, scientific models and analytic systems, methods, definitions  and religions , beliefs, opinions, loads of terminology first:
kill your thoughts, destroy your education, let go control, forget your memories as much as you can,
leave father, mother, kill Buddha. Don't aim , just shoot. Follow your own flow.
When you dance dance.When you chop firewood chop firewood. When you cry cry.When you are angry, be angry. This is to be.
Leave all what obstructs you, what disturbs your flow.
You will do this anyway, sooner or later.

This is my basics:

Pain and suffering are not the same.

Nobody else is responsible for my happiness.

This does not mean that sharing happiness
is not important  nor that one must stay alone,
and the other does not mean that we will be free
of suffering.

i do not teach salvation nor freedom of
i do not teach sacrifice.
each one has a right for his or her own way.
Each one can always say no.

and first i teach me what i find to be true.
I am not interested to make my own findings
a measure for other persons as this should look deeply wrong
to me.

i cannot see that i am a monad, no-thing is.

kindness can not be learned,
it is only true when simple.
And humility and wisdom can only grow
when basics are accepted as part of us ourselves.

love is a word., first of all, a word.
i love good food.

good night to me my self.

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