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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

fields out of ‘God’

is ‚god‘ the pond,
the stone,
the rings widening:
question of fools. 
all this is presence 
flowing out and in

is ‚God‘ the dance of the bees, the scent of this flower, the birds in the sky?

is ‚God‘ the murmur of a river, the voice of a child, a melody sung?

is ‚God‘ an old man smiling, a child weeping, a woman giving birth?

is ‚God‘ with the dying,
in mourning and wailing,
in the graveyards?

is ‚God‘ in the killing
fields of humans and animals, in agony, in torture?

is ‚God‘ before or after
or in life or is all in ‚God‘?

does ‚God‘ take absences?
do i need to know?

can i know what i do not understand?
the answer is yes.

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